Projects are a collection of scripts, modules, locations, and other configuration data that represent a workflow, experiment, or particular deck configuration. On the filesystem, a project is a directory containing at least one file of the .nproj filetype. Projects often contain additional materials, such as Python scripts, files generated automatically by the IDE (e.g.,, see Locations), and directories of resources representing modules. Project directories contain all the information necessary to be opened on any version of the NorthIDE and thus may be archived and shared between installations.
Starting Up
Many features of the NorthIDE require a project being open for them to run. It is best practice to ensure the desired project is open at the beginning of a session. The currently open project is displayed in the NorthIDE header following the name NorthIDE and a dash, and preceding a subsequent dash followed by the currently open filepath, and cursor location. For example:
North IDE - myProject - C:\ @ 100:20
If no project is open, no name will appear after NorthIDE, though a file path may be present if a file is displayed in the editor.
Creating a New Project
To create a new project, click File > New Project. Navigate in the file browser to the directory in which you would like to create the new project. Enter the name of the project and choose Save.
Projects are directories themselves. A new Project Directory with a sub-directory called “res” is automatically made when a new project is created. The “res” sub-directory houses all project module resources and an .nproj file with the same name as the project.
NOTE: The .nproj file and Project Directory must remain identically named.
Opening a Project
To open an existing project, click File > Open Project. Navigate in the file browser to the desired Project Directory and click the .nproj file before pressing Open. When a project is opened, its Locations are automatically displayed in the Locator and its Modules are rendered in the Simulator. Upon opening a project, the IDE will also attempt to open a Python script with the same name as the project. For this reason, it is standard practice to give the primary script in your project the same name as the .nproj file and the Project Directory.
Project View
The Project View tab lists all the modules in a project and allows users to add and remove them. The Project View tab can be opened by choosing View > Project
Project View acts as a browser for all project content and displays the following (from top to bottom):
The current Project open on the IDE
A combobox interface for filtering modules
A list of modules in the project, including icons for module type and the user-chosen module names
An Add Module button
For large projects with many modules, use the Filter combobox to filters the list of modules by type: general module, rack, pump, or controller.
Properties Tab
The Properties tab allows users to configure selected module attributes, such as position or controller connections.
The Properties tab can be opened by choosing View > Properties. It can also be opened by double clicking on the desired module in the Project View.
When the Properties tab is active, single clicking on a listed module will display its configurable attributes. To configure module attributes when the Properties tab is not open, double click on the desired module name. This will open the Properties tab and display the module’s attributes.
Alternatively, right-click on a module and choose Edit Properties. The right-click menu also provides options to remove the module from the Project or toggle its visibility in the Simulator. A detailed breakdown of the attributes that may be changed in the Properties tab are discussed in Modules.
IDE Guides