Location Dialog


When creating a new location, the properties of the location are set in the Location Dialog. This box appears when capturing, defining, editing, or duplicating a location.

The relevant fields in the Location Dialog are:

NOTE: The OK button will be greyed out and changes will not be confirmed if a position set in the coordinate fields is not physically reachable by the robot.


The name of the location. Must be unique and consist of legal Python identifiers.

Select Tool

Select Tool allows users to define which tool is performing an action when the robot is in a given pose. Select Tool defines the kinematic relationship between the joint space and task space coordinates.

By changing the tool selection from Gripper to Pipette Tip, for example, the same (x, y, z) in task space will produce two different poses in joint space to accomadate how the robot moves when different tools are equipped on the gripper.

Tool Direction

The Tool Direction setting allows users to choose the global axis with which the Vacuum Gripper or Bernouli Gripper tools will align. The Tool Direction setting is displayed under the "Tool" section of the Location Dialog only when either of these two tools are selected.

Joint Space (counts)

The four joint space entry fields (Gripper, Elbow, Shoulder, and Z-Axis) contain the pose of each robot joint in units of counts. These values may be entered manually, populated by pressing Capture on the IDE menu, or automatically calculated when a change is made to the Task Space, IK Solution, or Tool settings.

Task Space (mm/deg)

The four task space entry fields (X, Y, Z, Theta) contain the position of the selected tool in mm or degrees (in the case of Theta) with respect to the global Cartesian coordinate system. The (x, y, z) coordinates set the position of the end-effector while Theta sets the orientation of the gripper axis with respect to the global +X axis. These values may be entered manually. They are also automatically calculated when a change is made to the joint space pose.

IK Solution

The IK Solution setting controls whether the position currently displayed in the task space fields is achieved using a shoulder-center or shoulder-out pose of the N9 axes. See IK Solutions.

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