

Starts the homing procedure for a closed-loop stepper motor. First, the stepper moves a small amount in the positive direction (away from home) to ensure it is not touching the home stop. If the positive stop is hit, a 3-second timeout is enabled. Lastly, the true axis home procedure is called.


home_CL_stepper(self, axis: int, vel: int = 1000, accel: int = 50000)


axis: int

The axis of the closed-loop stepper to home, [0, 7].

vel: int, optional

Max velocity of the move in units of counts per second [0, 100000]. Values [0, 100] are interpreted as a percentage of the maximum velocity (100,000 cts/s). If the accel parameter is not given, the acceleration will be set to 10x the  velocity in units of cts/s². Note velocity scaling may occur, as explained in goto function description.

accel: int, optional

Constant acceleration of the axis to reach the given velocity, in units of counts per second² [0, 500000]. Values [0, 100] are interpreted as a percentage of the  maximum acceleration (500,000 cts/s²).
