

Uncaps a vial. Assumes that the gripper joint is already closed on the capped vial and the vial is secured in a clamping module.


uncap(self, pitch: float = 2, revs: float = 2.5, vel: int = 5000, accel: int = 40000, wait: bool = True) -> CmdToken


pitch: float

The distance in mm that the cap travels vertically when unscrewed one revolution.

revs: float

The number of revolutions required to completely remove the cap. A safety factor of a least 0.5 rev should be added by the user.

vel: int, optional

The velocity at which to spin the gripper during the uncapping, in units of cts/s, [0, 100000].

accel: int, optional

The acceleration of the gripper during uncapping, in units of cts/s², [0, 500000].

wait: bool, optional

If True, this command blocks until the target velocity is achieved.



A CmdToken object that can be used to follow up on the status of the spin or wait for it to finish if wait = False.
