Cap a vial. Assumes that the gripper joint is already closed on the vial cap, at the correct position above the vial, and the vial is secured in a clamping module.
The capping process has two phases: pre-twisting the cap for 'revs' number of revolutions, then torque checking, wherein the cap tightness is checked against the torque_thresh parameter and tightens 1/8th of a revolution at a time until the threshold is exceeded.
cap(self, pitch: float = 2, revs: float = 2.5, torque_thresh: int = 1500, vel: int = 5000, accel: int = 40000, wait: bool = True) -> CmdToken
pitch: float
The distance in mm that the cap travels vertically when unscrewed one revolution.
revs: float
The number of revolutions completed before starting the torque-checking phase. Often matches the revs value from the corresponding NorthC9.uncap(...) call.
torque_thresh: int
The torque threshold that must be exceeded vefore the cap is sufficiently tight. Units of mA.
vel: int, optional
The velocity, in cts/s, of the gripper during the capping.
The acceleration, in cts/s², of the gripper during the capping.
wait: bool, optional
If True, this command blocks until the capping is complete.
A CmdToken object that can be used to follow up on the status of the capping or wait for it to finish if wait=False